Let us make the image of God in us work again as in the beginning.

Let us know our God well.

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Our God

Our God is the creator of the universe and everything that is in it: living and non-living, visible and invisible. He is the God of the living. His name is spelled "yud", "hey", "vav", "hey" in Hebrew, pronounced Yahuwah meaning "hand of existence." He is the "power to exist that leads the hand of breath." His signature is in our DNA. Science sees it as a sequence of numbers called the Fabonacci series.

Max Planck spoke about Him saying: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Isaac Newton said: "He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God." Einstein said: "God does not play dice."

Yahuwah, our God, is within you and me. The Son of God said: "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." He even said: "You are gods and children of the most high." (John 10:34). Indeed we are. Problem is, we don't believe Him. Yahuwah said He created man in His image and likeness. That image and likeness is in the core of our being, without which we are dust.

Our Mission

The world has departed away from the Bible. Unfortunately, our Bible has been made to depart from the Hebrew Scripture where it came from. The God-believing world needs to know how bad the situation is. The faithful is being led to the gates of hell instead of the Kingdom. The symptoms: this world is in the shadow of pain, suffering and death. Satan says all these are the will of God. The world says Amen and that is the problem.

The First Deception

When God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness the great deceiver did not agree with the idea. So, he told Eve that she needed to eat the forbiden fruit to become like the gods. Eve ate the fruit confirming her desire to be like the gods, and effirming her belief that she was not god. Consequently, she lost her godliness by believing that she did not possess it. Watch video explanation >>>>>

The Ultimate Deception

We are taught to believe in the Son of God who died for our sins. That is right because God says so. Problem is that Satan deceives us to calling our saviour with a wrong name. The same technique used against Eve in the beginning is being used against us now Watch video explanation >>>>>

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God Is With Us

Our God created us in His image and likeness. That image and likeness is in all of us that give us life and existence. It is like the bread and wine in the Last Supper that we talked about in our Bible Study 36. We also discussed in our Bible Study 34 how that miracle in Eden continues to happen in the mother's womb. The same process of making man from the dust of the earth. Then we said that everytime a child is born, it takes its share of the bread and the wine, the body and blood of the Son of God. Today, let us review how God connects us to Him by means of a lifeline called the "silver cord."

Let us review the video clip I made 6 years ago from this writing:

So, our Creator put His image and likeness at the core of our being. Then He placed energy centers and connect us to Him through a lifeline called the "silver cord" to make sure the flow of life continually flows from Him to us through His Son, our beloved Saviour. Our Creator also assigned a guardian angel to each of us.

This is the truth that Satan has been working against by using the power of our mind and heart against us. He did that to Adam and Eve. He did it to our beloved Saviour in the dessert but failed. He does is to the world today. We have discussed His techniques.

Here is the truth. We are as powerful as our Creator. We have all the divine resources within and around us. Our only problem is our mind and heart. However, our mind and heart can be reset. Let us turn back to our Creator by finding out what His will is and align with it. Remember, the name of our Creator is Yahuwah, and His Son our Saviour is Yahuswah.

Previous Articles

  1. The World Against Her Creator
  2. Let It Happen As You Believe
  3. Our Godly Power
  4. The Lord
  5. The Meaning of the Last Supper
  6. Biblical Clock
  7. Eden then and Now
  8. Hear and Understand
  9. The Earth's Water System
  10. The Law of Polarity
  11. The Will of the Father
  12. Whatever Happens to our Love for God
  13. Lesson from Adam and Eve
  14. The Biblical Sabbath
  15. The Day and Hour
  16. The God of the Living
  17. Karma
  18. Reincarnation
  19. Salvation is of the Jews III
  20. Salvation is of the Jews II
  21. Salvation is of the Jews
  22. The Name Of Our Saviour was Removed from the Bible
  23. The Name Of The Father Was Redacted From The Bible
  24. The Good News
  25. The Biblical Sabbath
  26. Only One God
  27. The Narrow Way
  28. The Ten Commandments
  29. Sabbath and our Saviour
  30. The Power Of The Mind
  31. The Blind Leads Another Blind
  32. The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory Are Yours
  33. Lead Us Not Into Temptation
  34. Forgive Us Our Sins
  35. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
  36. Your Kingdom Come
  37. The Bible Does Not Say We All Came From Adam And Eve.
  38. The Bible Does Not Say The Cosmos Was Created In 7 Days.
  39. Holy Be Thy Name
  40. Accept Fully The God In You
  41. Adam Was Not The First Man
  42. God Wants Us To Be Like Him
  43. A Story Of Faith
  44. My Religion And The Bible
  45. And So This Is Cristmas
  46. Belief in God
  47. Defying The First Commandment
  48. Defying The Fourth Commandment
  49. Defying The Third Commandment
  50. Defying The Second Commandment
  51. Our Website
  52. Killing People Using The Bible

Question Of The Week

40. Was the concept of hell created just to scare people into believing in religion? Why don't Christians realize that?

It looks like you have answered your question. However, it is not entirely accurate. It is true that many people may be scared into affiliating with any religion, but the concept of hell is there to discourage people to hurt their fellow men, and to discourage those who cause others to sin. If you may have noticed, those who hurt others do not care about hell, and those who believe in hell are being hurt into hell.

Have more questions? Click here or here.

Featured Song

I Am A Being Of Light


Previously Featured Songs

  1. Your Will Be Done Not Mine
  2. The Lord's Prayer
  3. I Am A Miracle
  4. The Greatest Dawning Day
  5. Emmanuel
  6. Good Morning God
  7. YHWH
  8. I Love My God

Featured Video

Let It Happen As You Believe

Previously Featured Video

  1. Bible Study 38: Our Godly Power
  2. Bible Study 37: The Lord
  3. Bible Study 36: The Meaning of the Last Supper
  4. Bible Study 35: The Biblical Clock
  5. Bible Study 34: Eden then and Now
  6. Bible Study 33: Hear and Understant
  7. Bible Study 32: The Earth's Water System
  8. Bible Study 31: The Law of Polarity
  9. Bible Study 30: The Will of the Father
  10. Bible Study 29: Whatever Happens to our Love for God
  11. Bible Study 28: Lesson from Adam and Eve
  12. Bible Study 27: The Biblical Sabbath
  13. Bible Study 26: The Day and Hour
  14. Bible Study 25: The God of the Living
  15. Bible Study 24: Karma
  16. Bible Study 23: Reincarnation
  17. Bible Study 22: Salvation is of the Jews III.
  18. Bible Study 21: Salvation is of the Jews II.
  19. Bible Study20: Salvation is of the Jews.
  20. Bible Study19: The Name of Our Saviour Was Removed From The Bible.
  21. Bible Study18: The Name Of The Father Was Redacted From The Bible
  22. Bible Study 17: The Good News
  23. Bible Study 16: The Biblical Sabbath
  24. Bible Study 15:Only One God
  25. Bible Study 14: The Narrow Way
  26. Bible Study 13: The Ten Commandments
  27. Bible Study 12: Sabbath And Our Saviour
  28. Bible Study 11: The Power Of The Mind
  29. Bible Study 10: The Blind Leads The Blind
  30. Bible Study 9: For The Kingdom, The Power And The Glory
  31. Bible Study 8 : Lead Us Not Into Temptation
  32. Bible Study 7: Bible Study 7: Forgive Us Our Sins
  33. Bible Study 6: Our Daily Bread
  34. Bible Study 5: Your Kingdom Come
  35. Bible Study 4: Bible Does't Say We All Came From Adam
  36. Bible Study 3: The Cosmos Was Not Created In 7 Days
  37. Bible Study 2: Holy Be Your Name
  38. Bible Study 1: God Wants Us To Be Like Him
  39. Subtle Annihilation
  40. Is The Bible Inerrant?
  41. I Am A Miracle: You Too (Revised)
  42. Jesus Is A Fake Name
  43. We Are Gods: The Son Of God Said So
  44. The Name Of The Father
  45. Was The Universe Created In Seven Days?
  46. The Seed Of Eve And The Seed Of The Serpent

About The Author

I am Pablo Solutin, born in the Philippines and now lives in Canada with my wife, daughter, and son-in-law. I am spending my retirement life praising the God that is the source of my life and everything I need in order to live.

I started studying the Bible in 2005 without influence from other people, church, or religion. My original objective was to know what God is really saying in the Bible. My suspicion was right. The same style and technique the Serpent used to deceive Eve is being used to change the words of God in the Scriptures to deceive many into defying His will and lead people to destruction. I am trying to share what I learned by writing books and songs. My books are available in: Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble.

I also write songs under two categories: "Faith and Spirituality" and "Love Songs." They are on: Spotify, and Apple Music.

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