Our God![]() |
Our God is the creator of the universe and everything that is in it: living and non-living, visible and invisible. He is the God of the living. His name is spelled "yud", "hey", "vav", "hey" in Hebrew, pronounced Yahuwah meaning "hand of existence." He is the "power to exist that leads the hand of breath." His signature is in our DNA. Science sees it as a sequence of numbers called the Fabonacci series. Max Planck spoke about Him saying: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter." Isaac Newton said: "He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God." Einstein said: "God does not play dice." Yahuwah, our God, is within you and me. The Son of God said: "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." He even said: "You are gods and children of the most high." (John 10:34). Indeed we are. Problem is, we don't believe Him. Yahuwah said He created man in His image and likeness. That image and likeness is in the core of our being, without which we are dust. |
Our Mission![]() |
The world has departed away from the Bible. Unfortunately, our Bible has been made to depart from the Hebrew Scripture where it came from. The God-believing world needs to know how bad the situation is. The faithful is being led to the gates of hell instead of the Kingdom. The symptoms: this world is in the shadow of pain, suffering and death. Satan says all these are the will of God. The world says Amen and that is the problem. |
The First Deception![]() |
When God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness the great deceiver did not agree with the idea. So, he told Eve that she needed to eat the forbiden fruit to become like the gods. Eve ate the fruit confirming her desire to be like the gods, and effirming her belief that she was not god. Consequently, she lost her godliness by believing that she did not possess it. Watch video explanation >>>>> |
The Ultimate Deception![]() |
We are taught to believe in the Son of God who died for our sins. That is right because God says so. Problem is that Satan deceives us to calling our saviour with a wrong name. The same technique used against Eve in the beginning is being used against us now Watch video explanation >>>>> |
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Question Of The Week![]() |
45. If you believe that the timeline in the Bible suggests that creation is only 6000 years or so old, then how do you explain the existence of the fossil record that clearly establishes that the Earth is much older?I am not really confident about the way fossil records are being dated, so I am not using that as basis of my reasoning. Let me give you my way of looking at this subject matter. The Andromeda galaxy is more than 2 million light years away. That means that it takes 2 million years for the image of Andromeda to reach our eyes. Now, if the whole creation was just 6,000 years ago, we would not be able to see Andromeda now, because its image would have not reached our eyes up to this time. Based on this information, the belief that the universe is 6,000 years old is wrong. Does the Bible say that creation was 6,000 years ago? No, that is another wrong belief and understanding. I need your patience on this. I am not Hebrew by birth and I do not want to make the impression that I know the Hebrew language well, but this is the result of my study on this specific verses in Genesis chapter 1 of the the Bible. It is generally understood that the English word "God" in verse 1 is the most high, the Father in heaven. Wrong, the most high is referred to in chapter two as "the Lord." This word "God" in Genesis 1:1 was translated from the Hebrew word “Elohim” which is plural. The singular form of "Elohim" is "Eloha." That means that the more accurate translation of Genesis 1:1 should be: "In the beginning, the 'gods' created the heaven and the earth." Genesis 1:1 is not part of the first day. It happened way, way, way back before. You may say billions of years before. I have no problem with that. Take note that the perspective is outside of the physical universe, the spiritual realm where the "gods" reside. Then comes Genesis 1:2 and please take note of the perspective again. The perspective is from the surface of the waters looking up to the sky and nothing can be seen but darkness. There is another error here because the Hebrew word "hayah" was translated to "was" which could have been more clearly translated as became. The verb "was" gives the impression that the earth was created without form and void. What kind of creation is that? Many believe that the sun was created in Genesis 1:3 which is again wrong. "Let there be light" does not mean the sun was created, because the sun was already there included in creation in verse 1. "Let there be light" means the sky is being cleared to give way to sunshine. The first day of 6,000 years happened in Genesis 1:5. Genesis 1:16 can give the impression that the sun, moon and stars were created on the fourth day. All of them were already there in Genesis 1:1. The English word "made" was translated from the Hebrew word "asah" which meant more appropriately as appointed. So, the sun was appointed to rule the day, and the moon was appointed to rule the night. The scenario from Genesis 1:2 to Genesis 1:9 looks like what happened in Noah's time when the earth is covered with water. However, that is another subject matter for another time. Thank you for your patience. |
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About The Author![]() |
I am Pablo Solutin, born in the Philippines and now lives in Canada with my wife, daughter, and son-in-law. I am spending my retirement life praising the God that is the source of my life and everything I need in order to live. I started studying the Bible in 2005 without influence from other people, church, or religion. My original objective was to know what God is really saying in the Bible. My suspicion was right. The same style and technique the Serpent used to deceive Eve is being used to change the words of God in the Scriptures to deceive many into defying His will and lead people to destruction. I am trying to share what I learned by writing books and songs. My books are available in: Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble. I also write songs under two categories: "Faith and Spirituality" and "Love Songs." They are on: Spotify, and Apple Music. |