Defying The Third Commandment |
There are times when technical issues prevent me from sending out our email updates on the Sabbath. I have done something to correct that. However, just in case the problem recurs, Just visit our website and check this "Feature Article" section of our Website on a Sabbath. Please also check, if you have time, the newly added answered questions in our question and answer page. I am constantly updating the data file. I have just uploaded another video on my channel. The video is titled: "Defying The Third Commandment" This is about another major deception integrated in our Bible by hiding the Hebrew name of our Father. For centuries the name has been hidden from us by replacing it with the phrase "the Lord" and disorienting our faith to the names, Jehovah and Yahweh. These are very important in knowing our God better by knowing the names He wants to hear, so our prayers may be heard. Remember what our Saviour said to a Samaritan woman about knowing God. John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. We need to remind ourselves about these things because it is easy to forget in this world like what is happening to Israel. Israel has forgotten the time when she was the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world under David and Solomon's rule. The time when they were following the commandments and statutes of Yahuwah. |