The Name of the Father was Redacted from the Bible |
If you have followed my discussions well enough, it should be clear how our religious belief, faith and tradition differ from the teachings in the Bible. I have said that this is the cause of all our problems in this earth. We have another problem. The Bible has misaligned from its Hebrew origin. There is good reason to believe that the misalignment is intentional to mislead the faithful instead of helping them to be saved. This is a serious misalignment, so serious that I have to present it in two parts. This first part is about the name of the Father. Let us start with the following verse: Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. This is the answer of God to Moses' asking about His name. So, Preachers say that God's name is "I AM." "I AM" here, however, was translated from the Hebrew word "eheyah." "I am" is "ani" in Hebrew not "eheyah." Obviously, the translation is not correct. We will go back to that. The name of God is not in this verse. The name is in the next verse: Exodus 3:15 And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, So where is the name? The name is hidden by the phrase "the LORD." So, I struck through the phrase "The LORD" and replace it with the name Yahuwah. Yahuwah is the name of God in Hebrew spelled "yad", "hey", "waw", "hey" in ancient time. The name appeared more than 6,000 times in the Hebrew Scripture. All were replaced with the phrase "the LORD" when the Bible was published in 1611. How did I know? Let's go to the Jehovah and Yahweh came from this name. Jehovah is the anglicized version. Yahweh means "my Yahuwah." The name of God is the combination of the Hebrew letter , meaning "hand" and the Hebrew word pronounced "hawa", meaning "exist." The meaning of God's name is "hand of existence", or "maker of existence", or "creator of existence", or "giver of existence." Contrary to what the Father said in Exodus 3:15: "this is my memorial to all generation", we were made to forget the name for many centuries as if it is like something not to be taken seriously. However, the Father in heaven stated it in the third commandment: Exodus 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of The Bible was made to defeat its purpose as guide to salvation because the name that saves was hidden from those who seek salvation: Joel 2:32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of Let us use the name in our prayer of praise, thanksgiving, asking, and affirmation. |