Salvation is of the Jews III |
In my Bible Study 20, I emphasized the obvious preference of Yahuwah for His people Israel. Then in Bible Study 21 I clarified the truth that Yahuwah is not fundamentally a racist because His life giving image is in everyone regardless of whether one is a theist or atheist. Now, in this Bible Study 22: I will explain why Yahuwah made Himself appear like a racist in favor of Israel. For the sake of clarity, let me start all over again. In chapter 1 of Genesis Yahuwah told His Gods to make man in their image and likeness, after rehabilitating the earth from its useless state of being covered with water and darkness. Then in Chapter 2 Yahuwah set up a garden of timelessness and beauty and created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness. Clearly, there have been two sets of lineages: 1) humans created by the gods in Chapter 1; and 2) the seed of Eve under Seth in Chapter 2. The purpose is to demonstrate to the gods and their creation Yahuwah's power to preserve the seed of Eve under His protection. The seed of Eve were expected to make themselves distinctly identified with Yahuwah by the tradition prescribed on them, thereby making themselves the physical manifestation of Yahuwah's image and glory on earth. The story went on in a way that the seed of Eve allowed themelves to mix with the seed of the Serpent and his gods. The seed of Eve defeated the purpose of their existence on earth. Yahuwah decided to reset the earth starting from its state of being covered with water and darkness as before, and re-established the seed of Eve through Noah and his family. That should have been a lesson to the Serpent and his gods that they have no power to resist the judgment of Yahuwah. They still possess the power to choose between aligning with Yahuwah or insist on going against Him. They are still chosing the latter and temp and deceive us to join them: Matthew 13:25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Now the earth has become like a wheat field infested with tares and Yahuwah tells His angels to wait for both the wheat and the tares to grow until harvest time. The Serpent and his gods are now busy confusing the world which one to identify with– the wheat or the tares. They tell people to forget the name of Yahuwah; call His Son god-Zeus; worship non-living images and idols; remember the day of the sun and the day of Saturn; and defy everything that Yahuwah says in the Bible. We need to have faith and believe in spirit and in truth. That means loving Yahuwah and His Son in thought, in words and in deed. |